Posted 5th December, 2011

Upon the invitation of Singapore Taekwondo Federation, INDUK Taekwondo sent a small contingent of 22 participants to take part in this year’s 'Taekwondo Spectacular', held in conjunction with the annual Korean Festival. This occasion also saw the legendary GrandMaster JHOON RHEE gracing the event. The students were part of the mass demonstration display that would open the evening’s performance by our very own Singapore Demonstration Team and World Taekwondo Federation (WTF) Demonstration Team.

INDUK Taekwondo made a huge impression…

Firstly, our student DARREN YAP, was named best young demonstrator and was presented the black belt of World Taekwondo Federation’s President, Dr. CHUNGWON CHOUE. While the youngest participant was identified as INDUK’s WILLIAM BREMER, and he was confident when singled out and requested to display his turning side kick in front of the audience and guests. It was definitely a memorable evening for our students as well as the school!

Click here for the photographs of the day's event.